For children with autism, sensory experiences can be both overwhelming and therapeutic. Creating a safe and stimulating environment that caters to their unique needs is crucial for their development and well-being. This case study explores the applic...
In a modern KTV (Karaoke Television) establishment, LED color changing and luminous floor tiles have revolutionized the entertainment experience. These innovative tiles transform the traditional KTV room into a vibrant and immersive environment.
In an outdoor playground designed for children, a comprehensive climbing frame series has been integrated to provide a challenging yet safe environment for physical development and play. The climbing frame series, featuring various components and con...
In an innovative early childhood development center, soft rubber toys have become an integral part of the daily curriculum. These toys, made from durable yet pliable rubber, offer a unique combination of safety, durability, and educational valu...
In a state-of-the-art rehabilitation center, special sensory liquid floor tiles have been incorporated into the therapy rooms to enhance the recovery process for patients. These tiles are designed to provide tactile stimulation and feedback, which ha...
In a cutting-edge interactive children's museum, multi-shaped liquid floor tiles were recently installed to create an immersive and educational learning environment. The tiles, each featuring a unique shape and design, are filled with a non-toxic, co...